Because of our underwriting expertise and stability, NICO can cover common risks as well as hard-to-place risks that other insurance carriers do not.
Not sure what these coverage terms mean? See our General Liability coverages and definitions.
National Indemnity Company (NICO) might be one of the largest insurance companies you’ve never heard of. Our distribution model allows us to provide a diverse amount of commercial insurance solutions in virtually every state.
NICO conducts business via a network of more than 100 contracted wholesale agencies, who then manage business relationships on our behalf with local retail agents. This wholesale distribution arrangement allows us to easily market business across the country.
If you are a retail agent or a business owner/representative and are ready to take the next steps toward purchasing coverage, click below to connect with a Wholesale Agent to get an initial quote.
Need more information on how to insure with NICO? Visit our How to Get Started page.